Client Testimonials

Photo Credit: Birth Stories by Alexandria Mooney

Leah 8/2024
"Steffanie was absolutely amazing as our doula for the birth of our second son! She is so knowledgeable, and brings a calming, confident presence into birth. She provided so much support during the birth, from different pain relief tools, to encouragement, and suggestions to help labor progress when needed. I would hire her over and over again!"

Kaylee 6/2024
"I absolutely cannot say enough good things about Steffanie. She helped me achieve my unmedicated hospital VBAC and was a phenomenal support throughout my entire pregnancy. She quickly answered any pregnancy question I texted her about and she has a wealth of resources for various pregnancy and postpartum issues. She also connected me with my chiropractor and lactation consultant who I love!
Steffanie was an amazing support during labor and she helped both me and my husband stay calm and enjoy our hospital birth. I recommend her to every pregnant woman trying to achieve an unmedicated birth. She was the best investment I made for my birth! The next time I 
get pregnant, she will be my first text!"

Courtney 5/2024
“Where do I even begin? Steffanie provided 30 hours of support during my 57 hour induction. She was there throughout every twist and turn that got thrown our way, and it was her voice reminding me to “breathe, relax your shoulders, she’ll be here soon” between every push.
After a long labor, I went into shock and passed out (among other things). While my husband and the nurses/doctors/anesthesiologists tried to stabilize me, Steffanie stayed with our new born daughter for what ended up being an extra two hours after the birth. She was the only person who tended to our daughter and she didn’t leave the hospital until 3am, after being there with us all weekend. What Steffanie provided us throughout a very long labor, was peace of mind, empathy and access to her wealth of knowledge. Don’t hesitate to hire her for your family. She is worth every single penny and more.“

Hana 5/2024
"First off, I would hire Steffanie again in a heartbeat. I knew she would be great after the first 5 minutes of meeting her. As a doula, she’s knowledgeable and experienced in all things pregnancy and baby (rebozo, positioning, when to help and when to step back, what to say - seriously she knows a ton).
During labor she suggested different positioning, gave me food and drink, helped me move around, and the emotional support is really unmatched. She is such a selfless and kind soul and I couldn’t imagine having my baby without her. She will always be a part of our story in a special way.
Her postpartum visit is also helpful. Women need to talk about their birth afterwards and Steffanie made me feel heard and understood.
My husband would also recommend hiring a doula because Steffanie relieved all his mental and physical burden by helping (versus our first birth I did not have a doula and my husband had a lot of pressure as the only one able to take care of me). This second birth, he was able to be there for me even more because of her support.
Bringing a baby into the world is no easy feat so having someone like Steffanie present makes a world of difference."

Jemma 11/2023
"Steffanie is 100% worth every cent & I could not recommend her enough !! She provided me & my husband an incredible amount of evidence based information, wonderful book suggestions, & endless support before, during, & after labor. She helped us navigate an unexpected push for induction from my provider, for being past my due date, & gave us the confidence to say no & let my body go into spontaneous labor. Based on where I was feeling my contractions & how my labor was progressing she knew my baby had a nuchal hand long before my provider did. With this knowledge she was able to help me go through contractions doing different pressure points, hip squeezes, shake the apples etc. She has a wealth of knowledge that will help you feel confident & deeply cared for going into your birth. She helped us achieve the goal of having a natural, intervention free birth while also maintaining a peaceful & loving environment (even in a hospital setting). She has been giving a gift from God in walking with families as they experience one of the most incredible & tender moments of their lives. We will definitely be using her again!!"

Addie 10/2023
"Steffanie is worth all the money in the world. From our first consultation to days after my daughter was born, Steffanie was available to answer questions and provide evidence based information on labor, birth and postpartum. Steffanie helped me form a clear and concise birth plan that I felt really confident in. When labor finally came, she was ready to go at a moment’s notice. She provided so much emotional support and even suggested positions to hopefully make my contractions more consistent, which worked! She helped me work through all of my emotions in labor.
Steffanie helped me achieve the birth of my dreams, which after a traumatic first birth, I so desperately needed. Thank you Steffanie for being an amazing doula and support person! We are so grateful for you!"

Vanessa 10/2023
"Steffanie provided exactly the support we needed for our birth. She was responsive, experienced and knowledgeable. She provided a number of helpful suggestions and ongoing encouragement that supported my body in entering labor naturally at 41 weeks + 5 days without the need of induction. She honored my desires and was willing to advocate for me. My husband felt extremely comfortable having her in the room supporting us. This was my last birth but I would not hesitate to hire her again!"

Jess 9/2023
"Steffanie was an indispensable part of our birth team for both our births. She is knowledgeable and experienced, carrying with her the wisdom born of attending over 200 births. She is clearly well respected in the St. Louis birth community. Whenever I told someone that she was my doula — from the midwives at Mercy Birthing Center to my chiropractor and yoga instructor — they reaffirmed my choice. Her colleagues have nothing but the best to say of Steffanie.
Even more importantly, Steffanie is a calming, unshakeable presence. She helped me through a long and difficult pushing stage with grace, humor, and countless suggestions for positioning. She pulled out her rebozo, provided snacks, helped us with the peanut ball, anticipated my every need in a way that even my husband could not, and was with us every step of the way. When plans had to adjust, she knew just what to say to keep me calm and allow me to trust in myself and the process. She took photos and videos of the birth that I will always cherish, and stayed on after our son was born to make sure that we were all settled and fed before heading home to her own family.
We need doulas in our society because so many of us lack the support of other women in our community — mothers, sisters, friends, neighbors — who would once have been present for our births and postpartum periods. Steffanie somehow manages to stand in for this whole host of wise women. She is simultaneously maternal and like that lifelong friend you haven’t seen in years, but can pick back up with as though it was only yesterday. You will want her with you during the most intense moments of birth, but also during the lulls when there is time to talk.
I cannot recommend Steffanie enough, and will hire her again in a heartbeat if another baby is in our future."

Katelyn 9/2023
"First and foremost Steffanie was absolutely amazing. We struggled finding a doula initially but as soon as we met Steffanie we knew she was the right fit. She is so kind, informative and affirming all the things you need as an expectant parent as well as in the labor delivery room. Also, the fact that we shared the same faith was so important for us; to have a safe space to pray and lean on God when needed.
She helped us over the phone at 32 weeks when we went into preterm labor due to a UTI. Helped answer all my husband’s worries and questions as we walked through that scary time. Gave me the courage to advocate for myself and my desires.
Then we unexpectedly had PROM and went into labor at 35 weeks she helped us walk through those unsure scary moments and hurried her way to labor and delivery as soon as things progressed. She was by my side encouraging me mentally and physically with so many techniques to help speed and ease labor. She also helped my husband be able to focus more on my emotional needs and worry less about easing my pain. Steffanie stayed with us for a few hours after birth to help organize our thoughts and prepare us for caring for this little one that entered the world a little earlier than expected. We couldn’t recommend Steffanie more she was a God send."

Katie 8/2023
"I have used Steffanie for my last two births. I hired her for her assistance in my first homebirth after I had a C-section with my first born. She was very knowledgeable and personable! I credit my successful homebirth to her dedication! I was in labor for 3 days and was on the verge of transferring to a hospital because my contractions were not regular and labor kept stalling. She knew what homeopathic remedies to use and shortly after starting the regime I was pushing ! I pushed for over 5 hours and she was by my side the whole time encouraging me and my husband and when baby finally came she took pictures of the precious moments after for us. For my second homebirth I was on the fence if I wanted to use my same provider and she was so kind and took a lot of time to help me talk through my decision. There were a few things during my pregnancy that weren't related to my baby but were stressful to me at the time and again, she was so kind and took the time to answer all my calls and answer all my questions when I felt like I didn't have anyone to turn to that I could trust. Baby number 3 came MUCH faster than baby number 2 and she was there with a calming presence for both me and my husband while we waited for my midwife to come ! 
Her knowledge of birth, herbs, and homeopathy is what makes her an amazing Doula but also her kindness, passion, patience, prayer, and lovable personality brought a great comfort to not only me but my husband as well. For these reasons I would use her again in a heartbeat and HIGHLY recommend her for anyone I know who is looking for a trustworthy and dedicated doula !"

Brooke 7/2023
"Steffanie is truly THE BEST. I don’t believe I would have been able to achieve my unmedicated and intervention free birth without her. She has a wealth of knowledge, resources, and experience. She provided guidance all throughout my pregnancy and was so patient during the countless times I texted her thinking it was go time before I actually went into labor. Any questions I had, I knew she would have an answer or a resource. I felt very confident going into the hospital that she would advocate for me in the event I was unable to and I truly felt like she had my best interest at heart. My only regret is not having her at my first two births. I would absolutely use her again and recommend her 1000x over!"

Melissa 4/2023
"I truly don’t think my natural birth would have been possible without Steffanie. She was a joy to work with throughout my pregnancy and birth. She is warm, genuine, caring, empowering, and supportive. From enjoying her company during pregnancy to literally hugging her and hanging onto her through contractions, she transformed my birth experience. She is so knowledgeable and helped us with all of our questions throughout pregnancy developing our birth plan. She spent so much time with us just getting to know one another which made a huge difference when labor came on, as I felt like I was with a good friend. During labor and birth, she was so intuitive to what was going on and how to help me. She suggested and guided me through different positions to move labor along. She worked tirelessly through a long labor to make me comfortable as well as guide my husband on how to help me through contractions. I really can’t imagine labor without her. Even after birth, she has been so sweet following up with me and providing assistance and recommendations on breastfeeding support. Hiring a doula as well as selecting which doula are huge decisions. Steffanie really is the best of the best, and I will never give birth without her!"

Elise 2/2023
"After my first birth ended in a c section, I became super passionate, probably a smidge obsessive, making sure I was doing everything I could to prepare myself for a tolac with my second. Hiring Steffanie was hands down the best decision we made. Not only did Steffanie provide my husband and I with a ton of valuable information, but after a very unsatisfactory experience with my provider, she help me find the perfect providers at 39 weeks. When I went into labor Steffanie was at my house, covering me with care, support and so much love. I am now a proud vbac mama! That would not have happened without Steffanie. My family and I will be forever grateful."

Nicki 2/2023
"My husband and I welcomed our first baby on February 5, 2023. In the beginning of my pregnancy I kept going back and forth on the idea of getting a doula. After talking with several friends and family who have had successful natural births and who spoke highly of their experiences, I decided I wanted to give the doula idea a shot to help me achieve a natural birth. My husband and I will both tell anyone who asks we are SO SO glad we had Steffanie by our side throughout the whole experience, and she will be there through any future pregnancies. Steffanie helped me find the confidence to take control of my prenatal care which ultimately led to me switching providers at 30 weeks to someone who aligned more with my beliefs. I’m so glad we did! While our delivery ended up going a little differently than planned, I was able to labor until pushing naturally and ultimately avoid a C-section. Steffanie was that calming, reassuring, experienced voice of reason that we as nervous first time parents needed. Hiring her was the best decision we could have made!! Steffanie is truly a saint for doing the work she does, she is the best."

Marisa 11/2022
"I am so thankful we had Stefanie by our side during the pregnancy of our 4th baby. With every pregnancy, I said I wanted an unmedicated birth but never achieved it. Our 4th baby was our last, & I knew if I wanted an unmedicated birth I had to really prepare & hire a doula. The mental prep work that Stefanie recommends during pregnancy is just as important, if not more important, than having the perfect birth space.. I blew myself away with how amazing the birth was of our 4th baby! Stefanie is not only passionate, but incredibly knowledgeable & is exactly what you need to achieve the birth of your dreams."

Sydney 10/2022
"A friend recommended Steffanie to us after I had an uncomfortable interaction with a nurse at my OBGYN's practice. In the moment, I didn't feel empowered to stand up for myself during a routine visit and knew that I would need support during labor with our first child. Steffanie made me feel empowered, helped us come up with a birth plan that I was excited about and guided us through the entire process with grace, a sense of calm, and strength. I was fortunate to have a birth that I think back on as my favorite day, and I can't wait for Steffanie to be there for baby number 2 when we are ready. This is the best money you could spend to give you peace of mind and to help relieve stress from your partner. I also think I would have given birth at home (not in the birth plan) if Steffanie wasn't there to tell us it was time to go to the hospital!"

Libby 6/2022
"Steffanie was absolutely amazing throughout our birth experience. She was patient, kind, empathetic, and motivating. Steffanie advocated for my best interest and always helped me make a informed decisions. She coached me through the pain and helped me focus my mind to achieve the natural birth/VBAC we wanted. Equally as important, she supported me so that my husband could take a mental break, eat, etc. We both agreed that Steffanie made all the difference in achieving the birth we wanted. We refer everyone to her!"

Katie 12/2021
"I used Steffanie as my Doula for my VBAC home birth. She was so amazing ! She was super knowledgeable and helpful! I was in labor for days and couldn’t get my contractions to stay consistent. She was a trooper ! My midwife told me if we couldn’t get my contractions to regulate then I would have to transfer to the hospital and man, I really didn’t want to do that. Stephanie busted out her bag of homeopathic tricks and a few hours later I was ready to push! I pushed for almost 5 hours and she never left my side and was so encouraging! 10 out of 10 recommend her for your doula ! She is a gem!"

Karissa 11/2021
"What I would want anyone considering hiring Steffanie to know is that when she says to trust yourself - she means it. When she says that she respects your choices and autonomy - that your choices are yours and that she is there to support and help facilitate them, she means it. She really believes and trusts in your intuition as mom - and it's so empowering.
I want to want unmedicated, at-home births, etc but, what I needed for various reasons were births in a hospital with a planned epidural. Some parts of me felt silly wanting a doula in that setting/with those choices - but there was something around safety to me for having a doula there along with my husband and Steffanie was the perfect person. She provided great information when we were weighing the decision to induce, amazing support throughout labor and the hours after, and I never once felt judged for my choices. Highly recommend."

Amanda 11/2021
"Steffanie was wonderful and I’m so happy she was apart of my birth team! My birth went nothing like I had envisioned but Steffanie was right there offering support the whole time. When my husband and I talk about future pregnancies we are certain on one thing, we hope Steffanie has availability for when we need her again! We cannot recommend her caring heart and knowledge enough!"

Katrina 4/2021
"From the moment I met Steffanie and got to know her, I knew she would be the one I wanted by my side when I was laboring.  She was just wonderful answering any and all questions or concerns I had all during my pregnancy about birth.  She is so knowledgeable about all things birth; physical, mental and emotional.  She was also great to ask about how each hospital in the area was for laboring women, including the current practices and restrictions so we were able to choose the best location since we were going the hospital birth route.  She knew my doctor and had worked with him many times before.  She was wonderful at educating my husband who was not very knowledgeable about pregnancy and birth.  Before they got to meet and chat, he would think we needed to call the doctor or go to the hospital over every little braxton, etc.   There were other things that were stressing me out which she helped me address and really was there for me and supported me.  I cannot say enough nice things about her.  I can honestly call her a friend now.  She is the absolute best and I will be recommending her to every pregnant mommy I know."  

Mikhaila 1/2021
"I can't say enough good things about Steffanie! I wasn't sold on needing a doula until about halfway through my pregnancy, and Steffanie absolutely converted me (and my husband). She spent so much time with us before it came time for our precious girl to join us making sure we had all the knowledge and preparation we needed to make empowered decisions about our birth and be ready for the big day! When the day finally came, she spent approximately 24 hours straight with us through a brutal 30+ hour labor and I honestly feel that thanks to her intuition that prompted her to get my chiropractor to come in and adjust me on her day off, I was able to achieve the natural birth I wanted rather than ending up with a c-section. My husband was also so happy to have her support as she was able to both help me manage labor and show him ways to help me! 10/10 stars to this AMAZING woman! You can't go wrong!"

Jamie 12/2020
"I would highly recommend Steffanie to anyone looking for a doula!  I was diagnosed with preeclampsia late and had to be unexpectedly induced when I went in for my regularly scheduled appointment. Steffanie was there for me at a moments notice and helped talk me through my options in a stressful situation. I'm so grateful to have had Steffanie's support before, during and after the birth of our little baby girl!"

Katelyn 11/2020

"Steffanie was the most incredible source of support and encouragement before, during, and after the birthing process. I knew I wanted a doula to help guide me and my husband through a natural birth. Steffanie educated us on the different procedures, birthing techniques, and research we needed to do to feel comfortable and at ease. She provided us with an extensive amount of resources so that we could make informed decisions during labor. She also helped prepare us for life after birth. I can honestly say my transition to postpartum was a positive one thanks to Steffanie. I can’t and DON’T want to imagine what our birthing journey would have looked like without her by our side. My labor was slow and steady for four days. Steffanie was calm, confident, and reassuring throughout the entire process. She came to our house not once but TWICE to help me through contractions and be a voice of reason. She provided hands-on support which allowed my husband to provide even more emotional and physical support over the next few days. Because of her knowledge and previous experience, I felt empowered, not panicked when we had to make a decision to move to a low intervention room and start Pitocin. Steffanie believed in me and gave me the confidence I needed to trust my body and the journey. I will never forget her voice reminding me that I had the strength inside to continue even after 39 hours. She provided so much comfort during what were some of the hardest moments of my life. Not to mention snacks, a sound machine, essential oils, and so many different birthing techniques that helped induce and support my labor. I can honestly say that Steffanie shares a special place in my heart when I think of my son’s birth. My husband and I are forever grateful!"

Winnie 10/2020
"Steffanie was a tremendous help to me in delivering my baby at a hospital during the pandemic. I had so much anxiety leading up to the arrival of my baby in such unprecedented circumstances. Having Steffanie to speak to in the weeks before labor, and having her there in my corner during labor, brought me such relief. Her calm presence, experience, and her shared philosophy on childbirth gave me confidence and allowed me to concentrate on my body and my baby. I could breathe just a little easier, knowing that my husband had an extra, objective pair of eyes and ears there in a hospital setting that I wasn't sure would be friendly to my more natural-leaning preferences. In the weeks and days leading up to my labor, Steffanie was always available and responsive. She had various possible remedies for me in anticipation of any discomfort. She gave me ongoing advice in the two weeks of waiting beyond my due date; suggestions to get labor started naturally, which eventually *did* work, helping me to avoid a dreaded medical induction. More than anything, though, I felt so much better to have her to turn to in my anxieties. With Steffanie's moral support, my second baby's delivery was a night-and-day difference from the difficulty (and you could even say trauma) of my first baby's delivery. I would not hesitate to recommend her to any mother seeking support in bringing her baby into the world."

Margaret 10/2020
"I recommend Steffanie to any woman looking for doula services in the St. Louis area. She is incredibly knowledgeable about the birthing process. She knew what to say, when to say it, and what physical and emotional support to offer during labor. She seemed to know what I needed often before I even knew. She was such a positive, encouraging, and calming presence throughout my 21 hour labor. I had wanted to have an unmedicated birth, but without Steffanie there helping me I would have requested an epidural. In huge part thanks to Steffanie, I was able to have a dream labor and birthing experience and the unmedicated VBAC I had hoped for. My husband and I are so incredibly grateful for the support Steffanie gave during labor/birth and postpartum and we cannot recommend her enough!"

Becky 9/2020
"Having Steffanie as a part of my birthing process was invaluable. She is kind and compassionate. She is phenomenal with details and very helpful with providing and maintaining information. She is a great listener who is able to take what you give and infer ways to offer techniques and exercises to improve your experience throughout pregnancy and also birth. She also has an amazing network of unique support service providers that were also imperative in my pregnancy and delivery, as well as postpartum complications. She was an anchor in my experience, and quite frankly, I don't know if I would've successfully achieved my desired VBAC without her support, knowledge, skills, and encouragement. She's one of a kind and anyone would be blessed to have her as a part of their birth process."

Katherine 9/2020
"I cannot say enough good things about Steffanie.  She is amazing!  This review can't do her justice.  My husband and I cannot imagine going though labor & bringing our baby home without her support. 
Having Steffanie with us took so much pressure off my husband.  It let him be my emotional support without any expectations about knowing all the aspects of labor & birth.  He said it helped even early in the pregnancy, because he didn't have that pressure and knew Steffanie would support both of us as a team. Steffanie also was able to talk to us about different aspects of laboring in the hospital.  We had planned a home birth so there were some aspects we weren't prepared for. 
My birth was the exact opposite of my plan because of complications.  Through all the changes Steffanie was a great resource and super supportive.  All the rules for doulas seem different with hospitals because of the corona virus, and she navigated them well.  She came up to the hospital when we asked and stayed for about 23 hours(without a good place to sleep).  She helped me through 14 hours of active labor.  Steffanie brought so many things that helped me but I hadn't brought with me(since we weren't expecting to labor in a hospital).   She finally had a chance to take a break and go home, and like 2 hours later things changed and I needed a c-section.  We asked her to could come back up to the hospital to help us get settled after the c-section.  Steffanie went above and beyond and came back very quickly so she could make sure we were prepared before they took me back for the c-section. Steffanie has also been amazing postpartum.  She knows so great resources for newborns.  I needed to 
work with a lactation consultant, and Steffanie referred us to a great one. Same for a chiropractor."

Julie 5/2020
"We were so happy we hired Steffanie! I was planning a vbac and Steffanie was always there with tips and recommendations for all my questions. She helped put my mind at ease, even when things changed right after we hired her and hospitals went on lockdown due to covid. When labor began she was quick to respond and talk us through things. Throughout labor she took turns with my wife rubbing my back and doing whatever I need for relief and talking me through the contractions. I had a long difficult labor with baby not moving, but Steffanie was there with her books out looking for the next move to try. When there were decisions to be made, she was there to talk it through with us and help us think of things that we were too exhausted and overwhelmed to think of ourselves. She is professional and knows her stuff, but also fit right into our family. We definitely recommend hiring her 🙂"

Erin 4/2020
"I had a wonderful experience hiring Steffanie as my doula. An awesome perk in hiring her is the wealth of information she has at her fingertips and shares with pregnant moms to have a healthy pregnancy and birth! It was also important to me to have someone who knows a bit of homeopathy, which I found in Steffanie. If I ever had a question at any time, she got back to me within the day. I gave birth during the tumultuous time of April 2020 when the hospital rules changed every week. Steffanie worked extra with my husband and me in case she was kept out of the hospital, and was ready to be available by phone/zoom. Thankfully, the hospital did end up letting both husband and doula in my labor room. She was there for me the entire time while laboring, actively holding a heating pad to my back and giving me encouraging words. Once baby was finally born, she stayed until baby and I were ready for a nap. Steffanie kept in touch via text to make sure all was still going well. A few weeks later, after husband went back to work, she came over to help with whatever I needed her to do: make lunch, clean, hold baby so I could do what I needed, etc. I would use Steffanie again in a heartbeat, and highly recommend her to another expectant mother!"
Iveta 4/2020
"Steffanie is a wonderful doula and such a sweet and caring person. During the labor, you need someone that you can trust and feel good with them and Steffanie was just amazing. We did birthing classes with her prior to labor to educate ourselves and prepare for birth and it was so helpful. Steffanie is very responsive to text messages if you need her and she truly cares about you. She made us feel very comfortable in the most vulnerable and private moments of our lives and we were able to have a beautiful natural unmedicated birth in the hospital with my "Big Baby". We are having another baby soon and I will definitely feel much better to have Steffanie there again. I highly recommend Steffanie to any expecting momma! No matter what kind of birth you want, she is there for you to support you and advocate for you!"

Therese 2/2020
"Stephanie was wonderful for the birth of my third child! She came to our house multiple times to go over information and birthing techniques and I felt very comfortable with her. My daughter ended up coming extremely quickly, she was born in the car on the way to the hospital! Stephanie stayed with us at the hospital for several hours to make sure we got settled properly and even helped my husband bring in our bags! Once we returned home Stephanie came to visit us twice and brought me some delicious postpartum healing stew. I am so grateful to have had her help and expertise during my third pregnancy and birth. If anyone is on the fence about hiring a Doula I highly recommend it! The techniques that she taught myself and my husband I firmly believe helped my labor to go quickly and my daughter be born safely without medication. I had a C-section with my second child, and was bound and determined to have a VBAC with my third, and Stephanie helped me achieve that goal!"
Molly 1/2020
"Would highly recommend hiring Steffanie for your doula! She was warm, caring and available. She was a great resource and a wealth of information. Being pregnant and having a baby is a huge, life changing process and having someone experienced to help you is invaluable. Steffanie was also great during the postpartum period, to have someone to help process your labor and delivery. Would definitely recommend her!"

Bretlyn 10/2019
"Steffanie was amazing from first phone call to day-of delivery. She was thoughtful, attentive, crazy knowledgeable, and strove to make both my husband and I as comfortable and supported as possible leading up to and day of my birth. I remember my husband initially saying something like "but aren't I the doula"? And he being afraid his place would be taken, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. She worked to make him feel empowered to support me and had a natural sense of when to step in and lead in giving me the support I needed. She was an invaluable & trusted resource & she definitely went above and beyond - case and point, she stood practically in the shower, shoes & pants completely soaked as I labored in there for hours. She's the best. Do it!"

Amanda 9/2019
"My life changed when I started working with Steffanie. I reached out to her after I struggled through my first pregnancy/delivery. I wish I had known about her before my first because she made my second pregnancy so much more enjoyable. She helped me get in touch with my pregnant self, learn about how to stay on top of exercise and nutrition while working and caring for my first baby, and best of all, she helped my delivery to be so smooth, fast, and easy... nothing like the first. She even checked on me after delivery, helped with breastfeeding, and resolved other random health issues. I still use the nutrition and exercise habits that she helped to instill in me. She was an amazing resource, and I wish everyone knew how she can change their lives during pregnancy. Steffanie was very responsive, checked on me from time to time, and was so helpful to my family who wanted to be involved as well. I highly recommend her!"
Amanda 6/2019
"We hired Steffanie to be our doula for our fourth birth and third home birth. That was the first birth I used a doula for and I wish I could go back and do all of them with her. She is an incredible doula from the very start with loaning me books to read and our first visit making us all feel so comfortable! During the birth she was amazing at making sure I always had something to eat and drink. She was wonderful with my children and giving them ways they could help support me during labor. She was an absolutely vital part of my birth team. I highly recommend her to anyone who is pregnant because support people are crucial to labor and delivery."

Amanda 4/2019
“Steffanie is absolutely amazing. I was her first client with my daughter. I had a VBAC at Missouri Baptist. I then was her client again when I was a surrogate for a Family. Steffanie is very calmly and present. My labor was long and hard and every time she grabbed my hand while having a contraction, I felt my body relax. She massaged my back, offered different positions for me to try. She even held a bucket while I threw up. She was amazing support to me and I plan to use her again during my next surrogacy journey.

Julia 4/2019
“I used Steffanie Thomas as my doula in 2019 for my second child. Had I known about her services in 2014 when I had my son, I would have jumped at her services. My first birth did not go along with my birth plan and I had a very inexperienced doula who I felt could have backed me a little better. However, Steffanie has a wonderful quality and scope of care she is definitely a mother's advocate and an advocate for safe births. I would highly recommend Steffanie for all of your family planning. I would like to say that the weeks leading up to the birth are very calm and I was two weeks past my due date so I was induced. I only called Steffanie when I was in hard labor and she was extremely helpful and had all of the techniques to get the baby down and out ,so to speak, safely and calmly. I was calm and relaxed and comforted by her presence. I definitely appreciated her after care as well; staying with me until we were comfortable helping with nursing and making home visits really helped me feel calm when caring for my newborn. Wonderful absolutely wonderful.

Bea 2/2019
"I cannot recommend Steffanie highly enough. She is exceptionally thorough in providing excellent resources during the prenatal period so that you're able to prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically for birth. She has an incredible breadth of expertise on not just pregnancy/birth/ babies, but also healthy living and makes herself so available to answer questions about anything. Furthermore, you can count on her to be there as long as needed for the birth. She stayed with me for over 24 hours during a very difficult labor, supporting and encouraging me and my husband, actively working with me on different pain management strategies, providing back massages during contractions. Though I really wanted a natural birth and ended up with a caesarian due to circumstances beyond my control, I look back on it with pride because I fought as hard as I could and faced my fears with courage. I am thankful that Steffanie helped to equip and support me to do that!"

Brittany 8/2018
"My husband and I are so pleased with our decision to hire Steffanie! Steffanie was so caring and professional during our work with her. We saw her for two prenatal appointments, during which she helped us feel prepared for labor and delivery. When we found out that I was going to be induced, Steffanie checked-in with us frequently, offering her support whenever we wanted it. Steffanie came quickly when we asked her to, and was with us until about 2 hours after our baby girl was born. My husband, especially, was so grateful that Steffanie was there during labor and delivery and felt that he had support and a teammate during the process. Steffanie answered questions throughout and offered reassurance when the birth did not go as we planned. She did a great job of sharing a calming presence, offering resources, and anticipating our needs. We cannot recommend Steffanie enough!"

Sarah 3/2018
"As a first time mom I made a lot of preparations for our new baby. We poured over reviews of the best car seats, the most fitting doctor, choosing diapers and everything in between. The absolute best choice that I made during that time was enlisting Steffanie in the early weeks of my pregnancy. Steffanie helped my nervous husband and myself to be more confident and educated in the birth that we desired. She answered every single one of my questions during my pregnancy and followed up after the baby was born. My birth experience was not exactly the birth that I had imagined but Steffanie was there with us for 35+ hours plus several hours the week before during a failed induction. Without the calm, confident and educated support of Steffanie I certainly would have found myself feeling anxious and out of control. I can't even express how thankful I am for Steffanie's help and guidance. My husband's advice to his brothers following the long few days were spot on: "hire a doula." Thank you Steffanie"

Ashley 1/2018
"We were so happy with the doula services provided by Steffanie Thomas at Magnolia Birth! It was our first labor and delivery and Steffanie provided a much needed stability and calm for my husband and I. My husband appreciated the support and I felt so much better knowing he didn’t have to feel the full weight of something that wasn’t his expertise. She enabled us to really be present and bond with each other and our son which was such a precious gift for that first experience. During the pregnancy Steffanie met with us multiple times often at our house to go over any questions or concerns we had as well as help prepare us for our natural labor and delivery. We truly could not have done it without her! I highly recommend her services. Thanks Steffanie!"

Rebecca 11/2017
Steffanie is a wonderful lady to work with.  She is caring, empathetic, peaceful, understanding, and thoughtful just to name a few.  I was hesitant at first to hire a doula but once I met Steffanie i knew that she was a perfect match and having a doula was just what i needed.  She always went above and beyond for myself and my family to make my pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum experience wonderful.
I could write more than 2000 characters about Steffanie, so I am sure I have missed something.  I can assure you that she is a great choice and will not leave you dissappointed at any point in your journey.
If you choose her package that includes food, you will not be upset, because her cooking is amazing and you'll have plenty to last!  She is very thoughtful when she cooks and takes all allergies, restrictions, or dislikes into consideration.  My very picky spouse even thought her food was amazing!  She has a wealth of knowledge from education and experience.  If she doesn't know the answer, she will find out for you in a timely manner. Her library that she makes available to her clients is wonderful.  I was provided with many great resources during and after my pregnancy. She is also very punctual.  She was at the hospital awaiting my arrival when i was in labor.  I didn't have to worry about if she would make it, when she would show up, etc.  When i arrived at the hospital she was already there waiting and prepared.  She encouraged me to speak up when my nurse tried to stray away from my birth plan.  She also provided many suggestions that in the moment i didn't think of."

Jess 10/2017
"When my husband and I interviewed Steffanie, we asked her why she’d chosen to become a doula. Her passion for this calling to help women access their own power during birth and to help families navigate unfamiliar medical environments was clear, and we knew we’d found our doula.Steffanie has a calm and grounding presence, and seemingly infinite patience — just the energy needed during labor and birth. She stuck with us for a whole day of laboring through unexpected twists and turns, first at our home in the wee hours of the morning, then at Mercy Birthing Center, and finally at the hospital. She didn’t leave us until we were settled into our recovery room for the night. Our baby was not in the optimal position for birth, and her suggestions for positioning, informed by recent Spinning Babies training, were spot on and helpful. Not only did we have complete confidence in Steffanie throughout, but our midwives clearly respected her professional opinion, and conferred with her on several occasions.Caring, empathetic, and knowledgeable, Steffanie is just the person to guide you on the path to new motherhood. I appreciated her periodic check-ins during late pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as the sweet and unexpected “extras” — a jar of homemade elderberry syrup and a beautifully written account of our birth — that she offered. If/when we have another baby, we will call upon her services again without hesitation (though I expect that word will travel and her schedule will be quite full by then)!"

Emily 10/2017
"Steffanie Thomas is great! So glad she was able to be there for my first birth and will definitely hire her in the future. All her knowledge alone with particular items and the network she is a part of is worth having her as a doula. The support she offers is incredible. She definitely got my husband and I prepared with a birth plan and other items I wasn't prepared for. The evening of my labor she told me to let her know whenever I needed her at my house and she would be there and was. I believe that because of her help and support I was able to do most of my laboring in the comfort of my home. By her being there it allowed my husband to get a nap in and more pressure to be applied to my back when needed. It also gave us another perspective on things to help us not rush to the birthing center when it wasn't needed. It was also great that she wrote the birth story and took pictures of the birth as well. Even though she provided us with all the wonderful things in her package she is helpful in nature and went above and beyond when she did not have to. I was blessed to have her be apart of this time in our lives. Look forward to working with her in the future. "

Carrie 2/2017
"We had our baby yesterday, so I guess the fact that I'm writing this just a day later emphasizes how happy we were with her doula services. We were preparing for a natural water birth at a birth center, but ended up needing an emergency induction at 36+4 weeks. Steffanie was the glue that held us together, and comforted and motivated me day and night for over 30 hours as we faced complications and changing plans during the birth. I cannot recommend her highly enough!! She is prepared, positive, uplifting, personal, caring and a great professional. She truly has the heart of a servant and will focus on you and your support team, so that you can focus on the task at hand - having a healthy baby. You cannot go wrong with her!!"

Nicole 2/2016
"Steffanie is an amazing doula! I ended up getting induced early. She was an excellent advocate for my husband and I at the hospital. She stayed up with me all day and night (24 hours); she was very attentive to all my needs. She was able to visit me before and after the birth of my baby. She is also very knowledgeable of birth plans and other need to know information about pregnancy."

Amanda 12/2015
"Steffanie was an amazing addition to my Birth experience. She was my doula for my third baby, which was a VBAC. She really helped me through any fears I had since having a c-section prior.  She was there for me my entire pregnancy. She always helped answer any questions I had and if she didn't know the answer she researched it for me. She helped us have a smooth pregnancy & delivery. Steffanie never hesitated to help me when I sent her a message. She is absolutely wonderful and helped easy any worries of mine. I highly recommend her as a doula!"


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